The number of Duxbury Public Schools District students who met or exceeded expectations fell by 11.9% from the previous school year.
Duxbury Public Schools District roughly covers schools within Plymouth County and has a main office in Duxbury.
In 2022, 400,101 students took the English Language Arts test in Massachusetts with 165,044 students passing, 9.4% less than the year before.
According to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's 2022 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS), the average scale score for grade 10 English language arts was 503, which met the expectation level, while the average scale score for grade 10 science was 499, which only partially met the expectation level.
Massachusetts ranks 5th in the ranking of the best and worst public schools from Scholaroo. School systems were evaluated on three factors — student achievement, student safety, and the quality of school education.
School Name | Students who met standards (%) | Students who exceed standards (%) |
Alden School | 55% | 4% |
Duxbury Middle School | 53% | 8% |